Some People Come Into Your Life As Blessings, While Others Come As Lessons.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 4:53 PM
Everyone Deserves Happiness

Happiness is just like bubbles. It wont last long. It's beautiful but it will burst sooner or later.

life seems to be a never ending path. You can work all your life just to earn money to live in a big house, have a nice car and for other materialistic stuffs. But after you have all these, you would still want more. So, you work even harder to get promoted. Do you realise that this is a never ending cycle?

If you dont have all the nice dresses, killer heels, you'd be judged. so you work hard to get the things to doll up. but do you realise, no matter how well you doll up, or what brand are you wearing, you'll be judged anyway. why even care in the first place?

but, life does have an end. when you're near it, you might think back and wonder why did you even buy the stuffs you bought. why did you care so much about what others think. by then you'll realise that everything doesnt really matter. what matters is that at some point, you're happy. and now that you realise it, being happy is what matters most. you might not have much time and you might regret some things, but at least you have today to start be yourself, be happy.

have a drink, take a break, live a life. make your own bubble. be happy.

tomorrow will be a better day. tomorrow is not guaranteed. stop pushing things to tomorrow.

the next minute will make today a better day.


With love♥



Music Playlist at

-Everybody Talks
-We Are Young


