Some People Come Into Your Life As Blessings, While Others Come As Lessons.
Thursday, April 26, 2012 10:02 PM
'Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining.'

that is so true . when times are hard , dont fred . dont give up . because when bad things happen , there's always something good in it . or after it . when you're down , you'll know who your real friends are . that's something good :D maybe life is hard for you now . family problems , friendship and relationship problems etc . but things will get better . maybe not now , but it will come . every night , before you sleep , write down 1 thing that made you happy for that day . each morning , if you're not in a good mood , read those notes and think of the happy moments . there would be happy and unhappy times . but , dont neglet the happy things around you just because of the unhappy things that happened . tomorrow will be a better day :D

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 9:07 PM
Friendship Is Made In The Heart, Not Time Or Distant.

havent been blogging for quite long . been lazy . anyways , school's started . it's gonna be super busy . wont blog here often .

do you ever feel like you're alone ? sure will right . feeling alone either when you are alone , or even when you are with a group of friends . that sucks . but , dont just let the lonely feeling increase inside you . when you are with a group of friends and they are all chatting except for you , dont just keep quiet . join in . talk or joke . even if you have no idea what to say , at least listen to the conversation ? you would be included soon after . but if you stay beside and keep quiet , you will just get moody after that .

someone told me this . friends come and go , no point holding on . it's true though . just that not many is able to just let go that easily . like , moving to a new school , leaving your old friends . you will sure miss those times you guys had . but , on the bright side , you get to make new friends . just try to find time to meet up with them . friendship is made in the heart , not time or distant . real friendship doesnt mean that you guys have to talk to each other daily . real friendship means that you can still chat with your friends like close friends despite not meeting for some time .

if you are a shy person , try to make friends . be more outgoing . if you are already an outgoing person , continue to be and make more friends . nobody will have too much friends .

tomorrow will be a better day :)


With love♥



Music Playlist at

-Everybody Talks
-We Are Young


