Saturday, March 31, 2012 2:06 AM
Hurt Is Like A Double Edged Sword. Hurts Others And, At The Same Time, Yourself ♥You're bound to have hated or loved someone in this life . But , hate is like a double edged sword . Not only will you hurt the person , you will also hurt yourself . Why not learn to let go ? Try at least . Letting go , frees you . Make life less difficult . Try , meditating . think abt why you hate the person ? Try to forgive . Life would be so much easier . And you'll be a better person :) tmrw will be a better day :)
Monday, March 26, 2012 11:25 PM
No Matter How Hard Things Get, Smile. ♥in life , things will get tough . happy moments will never last . but , always have a smile on your face . some people might have a lot of problems which they dont tell . but if you smile to them , your smile might cheer them up a little :D and , smiling will make troubles a little better , make your day better . sometimes , smiling is also a way to prevent people from asking what's wrong . or even to prevent yourself from knowing who doesnt care . cause when you dont smile , not everyone will ask you what's wrong . smile . it just makes things in your life a little better . and make people around you in a better mood . tmrw will be a better day :D
Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:14 PM
'The Past Matters A Great Deal, Especially If We Dont Learn From It. But, Our Future Is Not Dictated By The Past.' ♥regret is not a good thing . but if you have , try to do something about it . if there's really no way , learn to let go . just make sure that you dont make the same mistake again . tmrw will be a better day . :D
Monday, March 19, 2012 7:29 PM
Life Is Never Easy. But Who Knows, It Might Be Worth It. ♥suicide is not a solution . well , it is . but it's a dumb one . suicide is easy . letting go of everything , just like that . but , have you thought of the people who cares for you ? your family and friends . well , they might not show it but deep down they will care . life is not easy . it's never easy for anyone . it might seem easy for some people but that might only be what you think . everyone has their own problems . well , the solution is easy to say but hard to do . it's to be strong and overcome the problem . after overcoming it , you might find something better . just like after a tiring climb to the top of the mountain to get a beautiful view of sunset . it's worth it . tmrw will be a better day .
Saturday, March 17, 2012 3:12 PM
'Be Strong When Times Are Hard. It Wont Rain Forever.' ♥there's up and downs in life . it's not all good when you're at the top and it's not all bad when you're down . cause at the top , everyone's there for you . at the bottom , true friends will be there for you . falling in and out of love is part of life . just stay strong when someone breaks up with you .. yes , it will hurt . but , it wont hurt forever . :) do some things that will take your mind off the person , even for awhile . keep yourself busy . dont rush to forget the person . take it slowly . cause the more you want to let go , the harder it will be . take it slow .. what things you do , dont regret . give it your best . if you find that there's still a chance , even though your're afraid , give it a shot . it might not be as bad as you thought it would be . but after you tried , it didnt turn out good , at least you tried . you wont regret . it might hurt when you try , but it hurts more when you didnt try . it sucks to regret . the words you left unsaid follows you . everything happens for a reason . hurt is part of life . take every thing as a challenge . after it's over , you'll be stronger . falling out of love means the person is not the right person . someday , that person will come . :) tmrw will be a better day .
Friday, March 16, 2012 6:24 PM
'A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted' ♥have you laughed today ? well , you should if you havent . or at least tell a joke to make someone laugh . this will make you laugh too :D or at least smile . always smile . smiling makes things look better even though it isnt . if you keep smiling , even though you're not feeling good , you'll feel a little bit better after that . :D tmrw will be a better day :D
Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:26 PM
'The Best Things In Life Are Truly Free.' ♥yes , that's true . but often , we're so used to it that we took it for granted . having both hands, legs, eyes, ears, nose, mouth etc . most people can walk, talk, see, hear . but when was the last time you really paid attention to the surroundings ? seen a sun set or rise ? listen to the wind blow , birds chirp . some people who cant see might be able to see the world much clearer . some people might only have an arm or none , but they might be able to embrace more people . we have mouth but sometimes we dont say thanks to the people who helped us , dont say i love you to the people we love . we have mouth but sometimes we say some hurtful things . nobody is perfect , but at least we should keep some things unsaid . some people said that they want to end their life . cause it's so difficult . saying that what's the point of living anyways . kept on complaining about their lives . on the bright side , you're healthy at the moment , you have friends and family . you're abled bodied . you have so much more than some others and yet you want to die . life is hard to you ? what about others ? everyone has their own problems . some others might suffer more but they never complain . and yet , hope to live longer . life is never easy . but , since you're given one , you shouldnt just give up . at least think of the people around you . they will hurt more . treasure your life . appreciate the things you have . tmrw will be a better day
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:19 PM
There's No Such Thing As Forever. ♥in life, there can be rain and storms. However, there are also sunny days. so yes , there's no forever . you might be suffering now , but you wont suffer forever . wont be sad forever . so dont give up when times are hard . cause soon , it'd be over . smile when times are hard . it makes things a little bit better . but at the same time , you wont be happy forever . so treasure every happy moment you have with whoever . you will never know what will happen the next minute . or even second . smile and think positive . cause even if things didnt go as expected , you might see something good in it too :D tmrw will be a better day .
Monday, March 12, 2012 10:16 AM
'When Something Bad Or Difficult Happens, Change Your Perspective' ♥soul surfer . this is a good movie , worth watching . when something bad happens , there's always something good out of it . though you might not know what at the moment , you will sooner or later . take it as a challenge , to be a better person . never give up . tmrw will be a better day :D
Sunday, March 11, 2012 4:54 PM
Today Is Going To Be A Good Day, Tomorrow Will Be A Better Day ♥wake up every morning , while brushing up , tell yourself today is going to be a good day . this will give you some energy to overcome whatever obstacles you have for the day . before you sleep every night , while in bed , tell yourself tmrw will be a better day . have a nice sleep , refresh yourself . and start a new day tmrw . whatever unhappiness you have , it's yesterday . what's most important is the present . when you find life is not worth living , just sit down somewhere and think . think of your family members , your friends . even if there's only 1 friend , you still have a friend . and , some people might do anything to be living your life . you might think that life sucks and it isnt fair to you , yes that's true . but , some people are suffering more than you but they didnt complain . some might do anything to be living your life . so , be grateful . be grateful you have yesterday to remember and hope for tomorrow .
Saturday, March 10, 2012 11:09 PM
First Post ♥no idea why i created this blog . well , we'll see how it goes . tag me if you , anyone , read my blog , and if it helps ? like for people who are lost in life or for any thing that matters . anyways , will try to blog daily . :D |
Me ![]() Smilebigbig Music |